monday mixtape_#1

for the longest time i hid on spotify. i made a fake account so nobody could ever find me or what ‘my’ music was. but i learned sharing is important. especially stuff that’s beautiful. so now my music, (slash spotify’s, slash every artist’s), is your music. the plan is to start making playlists weekly featuring favorites from my whole long music loving life to date.

please share your cool stuff here too, cause this music world is too big to map by oneself :)

so here’s MM#1-pillow

i'm back

i’m back at it. but a little different this time, instead of an inside look of my closet, this time its more of a welcome to the inner workings of my mind (to quote MS MR). planning to share a variety of content here including stuff that i find interesting or inspiring—from photos, to music to articles

come along for the ride...