you should know_morgan o'kane

the first year i lived in this city i avoided subway travel at all costs. being highly claustrophobic, and not particularly enjoying the company of impatient a-holes during rush hour, i learned the bus system, and rollerbladed around town. but then i realized a few things: 1) the subway is insanely faster 2) you meet some really cool people and 3) there's a hidden world of ridiculously talented musicians down there. its like seeing an awesome concert for free...or for a dollar or two in tips

the one guy who can always get me to miss a few trains is morgan o'kane. the guy is BEYOND. RIDICULOUSLY. TALENTED. this mountain man spent years jumping freight trains all over the country, before settling atop his suitcase (which he uses as a kick-drum) playing his banjo and sharing his passionate voice with NYC commuters

i even got lucky enough to dance to morgan's music on a beautiful summer night on a rooftop garden at brooklyn's navy yard after watching the sunset over new york city. i'll prevent myself from over-gushing, but it was my favorite night in my 2 and a half years living here...

if he is coming to a city near you, please go check him out. even if you think you don't like bluegrass. this guy's spirit is contagious, and you'll be smiling well after the show 

inspiration_toby storie-pugh

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probably my favorite part of living in new york city is the never-ending supply of interesting people with cool stories. like how an average sunday coffee at laughing man introduced us to this guy, toby storie-pugh, who was casually waiting for a large delivery of coffee which he promptly stuffed into his backpack.

thanks to my brother's curiosity, we learned that toby was stocking up for his upcoming expedition alongside steve obbayi, a kenyan hopeful of being the first from his country to summit EVEREST. that's right, while most of us are going through our typical sunday rigmarole, there's others who are planning to climb to the top of the world. 

20 days until they leave! if you feel inclined to help them out, you may do so here


quite different from last week’s mixtape—you won't regret listening to this one in its entirety; each one has had its turn on repeat over these past few weeks

my favorite thing to do is walk around the city listening to city lights. feels like i’m inside a movie, and when the bass drops…OH MAN.

also i'm positive i heard two dudes on the L train platform playing my fav klingande song, punga last week. they insisted they had no idea what song i was talking about, but when i showed it to them they said it sounded exactly like what they had just played. does anyone know which old song punga is adapted from?


you should know_lo fang

lo-fang at babys all right 2/28/14

lo-fang at babys all right 2/28/14

you should probably know about this guy. or you can ignore this, but guaranteed you'll be hearing a lot about him in the coming months as he was handpicked by lorde to open for her upcoming tour.

thank the lord(e) i managed to make it to his show on friday night in brooklyn. the ridiculously talented lo fang boasts mesmerizing vocals and hands as adept on the violin as the piano or the guitar. oh and he's pretty easy on the eyes......

can't get enough of these songs

Lo-Fang – #88

Lo-Fang – Blue Film

you should know_totokaelo

the minimalist lovers dream.

sometimes i dream about living inside totokaelo. the most perfectly designed store—from aesthetics to content, carrying only the coolest of cool. for those of us outside of seattle, we can get our totokaelo fix from their blog where they share streetstyle, art, mood boards, and so much more. oh & their facebook/instagram feeds are beautiful too—pretty sure i’ve taken a screenshot of almost every image ever posted, all of which can be found in my desktop folder..stalker status

buckets of inspiration, let the drenching begin..

monday mixtape_#1

for the longest time i hid on spotify. i made a fake account so nobody could ever find me or what ‘my’ music was. but i learned sharing is important. especially stuff that’s beautiful. so now my music, (slash spotify’s, slash every artist’s), is your music. the plan is to start making playlists weekly featuring favorites from my whole long music loving life to date.

please share your cool stuff here too, cause this music world is too big to map by oneself :)

so here’s MM#1-pillow

i'm back

i’m back at it. but a little different this time, instead of an inside look of my closet, this time its more of a welcome to the inner workings of my mind (to quote MS MR). planning to share a variety of content here including stuff that i find interesting or inspiring—from photos, to music to articles

come along for the ride...