you should know_mree

i promise its a matter of months (if that) before you're going to hear about this girl everywhere. last week i went to go see mree who was playing a short gig at pianos, and jesus christ, her voice is absolutely angelic. 

even more touching was how humble and sweet the 19-year-old musician is. when i told her i'd been listening to her album, winterwell, on repeat, she touched her heart and said "really? oh my god.. thank you!" --and it was so genuine. just makes you want to support young talent that much more. check out 3 of my fav songs:

Mree – Lift Me Up

Mree – Into the Well

you should know_detroit is beautiful

most of what we see across facebook and instagram feeds features the intriguing #ruinporn that the city of detroit is crawling with. rarely does anyone showcase the rich history or current betterment overflowing in the city. i found this video from german PR firm OSK to be extremely heart-warming; for once our city is showcase in its glory--past and present--and not for the means of selling a chrysler vehicle

please make sure to check out OSK's extremely thoughtful and insightful blog post on the city of detroit here

you should know_sweetgreen

who knew salads could be so crave-worthy? i sure didn't. salads were never considered a meal in my book.. until i tried sweetgreen. i've been shocked by recent conversations with people unfamiliar with the brand, so i had to share. 

not only are the salads killer, filling, and stocked with delicious, fresh and LOCAL ingredients, but the brand itself is a movement, one that you just want to feel a part of. OH and check out their commitment to sustainability:

AND they host a yearly music festival (sweetlife) with all-killer-no-filler lineups like this one last year:



this never-ending winter has me itching for a road trip out west...

the best part of road trips (besides chasing NPR stations, and gas station ice cream) is the perfect playlist. these are some of my favorite tracks for long drives; hope you enjoy, and if you're lucky enough--take it on a road trip :)

you should know_morgan o'kane

the first year i lived in this city i avoided subway travel at all costs. being highly claustrophobic, and not particularly enjoying the company of impatient a-holes during rush hour, i learned the bus system, and rollerbladed around town. but then i realized a few things: 1) the subway is insanely faster 2) you meet some really cool people and 3) there's a hidden world of ridiculously talented musicians down there. its like seeing an awesome concert for free...or for a dollar or two in tips

the one guy who can always get me to miss a few trains is morgan o'kane. the guy is BEYOND. RIDICULOUSLY. TALENTED. this mountain man spent years jumping freight trains all over the country, before settling atop his suitcase (which he uses as a kick-drum) playing his banjo and sharing his passionate voice with NYC commuters

i even got lucky enough to dance to morgan's music on a beautiful summer night on a rooftop garden at brooklyn's navy yard after watching the sunset over new york city. i'll prevent myself from over-gushing, but it was my favorite night in my 2 and a half years living here...

if he is coming to a city near you, please go check him out. even if you think you don't like bluegrass. this guy's spirit is contagious, and you'll be smiling well after the show